Wednesday, April 15, 2009

my friend

this is my friend joey. he collects a lot of pool toys. before he got smart, joey likes a schooter he owns and he lets me ride it down a hill i sit on it and it goes real fast. one day a truck nearly hit me but i was lucky it hit a cat instead and you all know i hate cats rememeber my dog got hold of the one that did bad things. well he will pee no more in our flowers and dad is happy. anyway my friend stole a kite from a store and he walked funny out of the store.

the end

but dont worry i will be back with more blogs

oh and I found a nother bloggewr like me. he talks a lot about navy subs. i would like to go on one but my dad he was in the navy on a big boat and says subs have a bad smell when they come back from the sea.


  1. Hi Joey. Don't you know that stealing kites is shoplifting.

    Max - I'm glad you didn't get hit by the truck.
