Tuesday, May 5, 2009

my girlfriend

this is edna my girflfriend with her brother timothy. timothy can stick floss in his nose and make it cmoe out of his mouth. I tried that but it didnt work too good. he has a mo ped. anyway, edna and I are serious, so's her brother though, we might get married one of these days but my job isn't payinng me a lot of money and I am still on parole from what happened a while back in the rest area. Edna reminds me of it too much but the girl was prettyer than edna by a mile. edna eats a lot of corn flakes and .likes to play with my dog a lot and he likes edna a lot too and has the red rocket all teh time she is over the house in my room. i will now go visit my blog friends, see you later so until next time. bye.

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